...and besides, I was working with WOOL yesterday with no ill effects! Actual Patons WOOL. Having been a Very Brave Gryphon, and getting a whole bunch of scary tax, business, accounting and assorted life management stuff done over the weekend (in addition to having a whole bunch of fun, I must add), I started my Hackiebuttie (aka "Inga's Haekelbeutel by Inga Joana Mertens" - Ravelry link here). See?

Also went to the National Museum of the American Indian on Saturday, and wound up getting tiny knitted Finger Puppets. Got a rabbit for my mom, eagle for my dad, sheep for me (I'm an Aries) and my husband picked the llama for himself, as it was "the coolest".

rabbit, llama, sheep, eagle
The museum itself is "the coolest", too - we spent most of the day there, and only got through two floors. We'll have to go back sometime this season to catch the *other* two floors. (PS, if you go, eat at the cafeteria. I suggest splitting one Five-Regions Platter among everyone, unless there are non-meat eaters who would rather not have their piles and piles of yummy veggiefoods touched by meat (although they'd probably work with you on separate plates - super good staff there!).
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