Thursday, October 16, 2008

Winter Twilight Mitts

So, I began Wednesday with a completed Thumb #2 and 68 rows total finished. I managed to get two more done on the ride in to work - just eight rows of colorwork left, and back to only 48 stitches per round. If I could just finish those eight rows, and then the one k1 row, then the two decrease rows, then the four k1p1 rows then the k1 row then the bind-off, I'd be DONE! So easy, right? Never mind that it takes 15 minutes per row, if I was lucky (and not distracted) for a colorwork row, and I wasn't likely to have ANY spare time at my desk (since I was supposed to be working and all that), and that the ride home has been really knit-unfriendly lately, and that I probably wouldn't be home until 8pm at the earliest, and I stayed up WAAAAAAAY too late Monday and Tuesday, so I was sleep-deprived.

Thus, I managed to eat Low Sodium Wheat Thins and Dr. Pepper for lunch, whilst sitting on a bench in the sun for my entire lunch hour. Remember, I was sleep deprived. On the other hand, I got some knitting done. Lots of knitting. Heaps and heaps of knitting - otherwise known as The Rest Of The Colorwork. By the end of lunch, I was down to just the regular knitting stuff in just one color!

I also managed a SUNBURN.

Yep, after being all careful all spring and summer, I managed to get a sunburn this year in October. Just on the left side of my face, mind you (that's where the sun was, despite the supposed protection of the little tree between me and it) and my left ear. My arm must've gotten enough sun over the past six months that it's fine, despite also being in the sun. Hopefully, my hair will lighten up on that side, too, which would at least be a bit of a silver lining.

Anyway, there was lots of knitting done at lunch. And on the bus-ride cross-town to where my husband works. Thus, he was able to help me take these:

Huh. My eye looks oddly hazel.
It's actually grey.

Yep, that's finished Winter Twilight Mitts! They fit perfectly, and are snug enough to wear under coats without fear of gloves-coming-off-in-sleeve, which is annoying, and doesn't much help if I'm planning to wear the mitts all day. But they're done! They're done! Yaaaaaaay!!


  1. Really lovely. I bet they get a lot of wear.

  2. I love them! Girl, you are going to be very stylish with all you have knitted for the winter.

  3. I know that feeling - only a few more of the pattern, then just the last bit, then the other bit I forgot, and then the bind-off, oh who needs sleep when we could have a FO? (All too often, I have cause to remember the old maxim: don't knit beyond bedtime - it only leads to disaster.) Yours look spectacular though and the colourwork is amazing. I wish I had your courage!

  4. Oh how cool, you finished them! Fantastic.
    They look super.

  5. Well done...a very nice pattern. You have style!


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