Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Not quite the entry I had planned

So today was the day I was going to tell you all about how I re-swatched and measured everything and actually got all my homework ready to turn in *before* Friday night. Sadly, the stuff I was going to tell you about didn't happen. I did re-swatch, and I did print out the labels for my tags, and everything is in its binder, and... I still haven't measured my swatches. *Sigh.* But here are the do-overs:

These are SERIOUSLY about half the size of the first ones. Same yarn, same needles, different tension.

Instead, there was a three-hour-long Biggest Loser finale that required watching, and some Clapotis got knitted:

Indoors. Yes, I'm using paper clips as stitch markers again.

Outdoors - actual colors of the yarn. Sooooooo pretty!!

Oooo! I almost forgot!! I finally (FINALLY) got Deb her Wedding Sampler.

She really liked it!! Yay!!

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