Squee of the week!
My dad showed some of his hiking buddies my Fern Lace Socks... and they want the pattern! Eeeek! I get to actually write a sock pattern! Fortunately (for me), it's a darned easy one. It will follow by the end of the week. And the lace pattern (which is a *wee* bit different than I think it's supposed to be, since, after all, it's me knitting) can actually have a chart to go with. How very cool!
Also, thanks to the lovely A, who told me in very tiny words I could understand how to get the blogroll going down the right side of my blog (so I can tell what are the new posts!). I really love that setup!!
I'm pretty sure anyone that reads this has theirs by now, and I'm still not giving away the theme, but it's time for Actual Sock Photos. To wit:
I managed to solve the gauge/fit problem I was having, as you can see. Beautiful Sock (above) is a lovely, fitted creature, as is Hilda (below). I have been making increases as I go every so often, since I'd like to be able to turn the heel and just keep going on up the leg with an appropriate number of stitches to keep the pattern going as it should. (Aaaaaugh, KNITTING MATH!!)
I expect to have most of the sock-part of the socks done over the weekend, since Saturday is "sitting around waiting for a wedding" and Sunday is "sitting around for at least twelve hours watching the Indy 500 and Subway 600". Monday's just a bonus!!
Oh, that sock looks amazing! What a great color...reminds me of lilacs. Thanks so much for the birthday wishes!