Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Fiber O.W.L.s!!!

Under the heading of "OMG SQUEE!!!", whilst poking about Ravelry, I noticed that some people had really super-cool-looking O.W.L. Ravatars. This lead me to hunt down all the O.W.L. badges I could find, and via doing *that*, I was led to the Harry Potter Knit & Crochet Cup group on Ravelry (thanks, K!) and *WOW* there are some stunningly lovely projects that have been awarded O.W.L.s thus far. I believe all these amazing badges were designed by Michelle (aka Fruitloops). The requirements for each O.W.L. are here in spreadsheet form. O.W.L.s are in addition to monthly coursework. And Quidditch. If you'd like to play along, you can sign up on the appropriate thread in the Ravelry group & get sorted until April 28; classes begin May 1. (I got my Hogwarts Admission Letter on Monday - squeeee!!) Also, there's a blog for it all here with lots of information. (And you can just lurk, too, if you wish.)

I wish to state clearly that I have not earned any fiber O.W.L.s, and the lovely little pics above are purely for illustrative purposes and the sheer cuteness of it all. I am, however, going to have a lot of fun over the next few years (well, the next seven, assuming I graduate with the rest of the crop of First Years starting this May). There are monthly classes (projects) for House Points (take up to six per month), the Cup is awarded regularly, and, when all is said and done, I'll (hopefully!) get a few O.W.L.s in the process. Someone asked recently what I'd do if I won the lottery, not silly-huge amounts, but enough so I didn't have to work for a decade or so... and I think you can guess the answer: get my Hand Knitting Level I, II & III TKGA mastery, and all of my Hogwarts O.W.L.s!!!


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