Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I have yarn. And no cats.

My friend T was giving away a *bunch* of cross-stitch stuff sometime... summer maybe?... and included in it was a cute little cross-stitch minikit of a sheep that's supposed to say "Ewe's not fat, Ewe's fluffy!" - which, being on the fluffy side myself, I didn't find all that amusing. So, I stitched it up Monday night, with a change in the words:

Sunday evening, I organized my out-of-the-stash-room stash. I found all the stray yarn, and bagged it as either "nice acrylic" or "nice wool-type yarn". I bagged balls that belonged together, kept the patterns with the yarn, and otherwise made things a bit easier for myself in the long run. Plus, we now have a clear path between the sofa, the kitchen, and the bathrooms. The evidence:

Did I mention these were the super-large 20+ gallon ziploc bags? That's not tiny skeins of sock yarn in there, that's big ol' skeins of stuff. Lots and lots of yarn. In CLEAR bags, so I can find it this time!!!

And even though I want cats (I'm allergic), I realize that this is what would happen if I had them:

funny pictures of cats with captions
moar kittehs!

1 comment:

  1. Cute cartoon. I like your version of the cross stitch better maybe it is because I'm fluffy.


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