Monday, October 29, 2007

I'm Raveled!

It was a good weekend for crafts. Lots of knitting happened... or, rather, lots of knitting repair happened.

First, the Secret of the Stole was pulled out and reknit up to the end of Clue #1. I'd done something seriously wonky on row 80, which threw off the entire pattern. Now that I've fixed it, the pattern works.
I'm so totally in love with this Cheryl's Hand Painted Yarn in "Pistaschio". I love silk yarn. And the coppery pearl beads I found are just *perfect*. I'm going to love this stole. I know some folks aren't thrilled with the pattern, but it's not something I would've come up with myself, and I'm having fun. Not a chance in hell of catching up, of course, since National Novel Writing Month starts on Wednesday (I'm "Dances-with-Dustbunnies"), but at least what I've done is now correct.

Second, I gave up on finishing the Cat Sweater in time for the contest. Oh well. I had to re-frog the left sleeve once again, for adding an extra row to a pawprint block (which made it nice and square... and oh-so-obviously different. These live in the Orange Bag, B., Below. In the Green Bag, A., are the Rose Romance Sweater, Secret of the Stole (now fixed), the denim jacket that I'm going to line with a shirt I got at the Orvis catalog sale, the Peacock Scarf and what's left of two balls of crochet thread, orange/yellow varigated and yellow.
Found all the yarn (indicated with a green arrow) that I used to crochet Ms. Driver's sweater (my design, for my carpool driver, based off a sweater she already owned and loved). I'm going to eventually make one for myself.

Jo Ruth (sorry about the misname, Ruth!!), the moderator of the NoVaKnits list, designed cool little mesh crochet bags; after seeing hers, I tried one. Hers look much better, but it's functional, and not bad for a six-hour first try.
Also doubles as a surprisingly adequate disguise.

Photo, very blurry, of the Sweet Life Knitting Group last Thursday. Eventually I'll get the names to go with the faces; right now, it's (starting at bottom left, moving clockwise), woman making lovely sweater; Vickie making socks, Jo teaching Laura to knit, Mom, woman making lovely hat with celtic band, Judy making shawl (falling leaves?), and Amber, the Group Mom. (She's got much better pics here, with names and everything.)

(Ooooh, she also has a photo of the yarn I bought off of Alli - it's VERY bright. View here.)

And last, but certainly not least, I got my Ravelry invite - yay! I'm "CraftyGryphon", of course. See you over there!


  1. Your stole looks great. Glad you restarted it.

  2. I am not Jo. I am Ruth! And your mesh bag looks great! I notice you got my name right later on.



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