Thursday, November 5, 2009

Yarn on Thursday - Things That Look Like Yarn, but Aren't

Now that the chill of winter is creeping in upon us (our first frost was yesterday morning), it's time to start dreaming of summer vacation. While at the local elementary school on Tuesday morning to vote, I spent some time parked in front of a bulletin board full of photos from some of the teachers' summer vacations. The photos were grouped into categories of the Arts represented therein, and one of the Arts was "fiber":

Note the umbrella swift there! The picture of the big twine ball in Kansas reminded me of the giant twisted pile of metal from the construction project across the way from work - which, upon seeing it, I thought looked a lot like yarn:

This got me to thinking about things that look like yarn and knitted things, but aren't actually yarn OR knitted things. To wit: Wankette took this photo of some Christmas lights - it looks like yarn to me!

Bloomkitty captured a photo of this Rope Sculpture at the Sheraton Inner Harbor. It does look like fringe... but doesn't rope technically count as really, really BIG yarn? Sorta?

MARTHA STEWART (yes, THE) found this cool yarn-y light fixture at Youngblood in Sag Harbor, NY. I want one. (No, seriously. I need to have a light put in our front room eventually; I want this to be the cover!!)

Chiggers kinda look knitted. Creepy, but knitted. (This was pointed out over on the board.)

So, remember the Knit Night Cupcakes over at There areHow To Knit Marzipan Instructions at, tiny versions of which are here:

Cemedia took this cool photo of Tiny Flowers that Look Knitted:

She also took this photo of a moth - it looks like a shawl, doesn't it? (She's got lots of cool photos, go look!)

Orinda5 found this very cool light fixture at a store. I agree, it looks like knitted glass!

Then there's the Lace Fence by Demakersvan; it's part of a collection that's supposed to officially debut now, November 2009!

This last one has nothing to do with fiber, and a whole lot to do with art. This is Crazy Horse, which, when finished, will be the largest sculpture on earth. Korczak Ziolkowski, the artist, is responsible for Stone Mountain in Georgia, and Mount Rushmore. Korczak is gone, but his family (and a whole lot of other people) are continuing his work on the Crazy Horse Monument, carved out of the Black Hills. Sculpting (which, at this scale, means "explosions") has been going on for a really, really long time. I've been there several times years ago (if you can go over a long summer weekend, Memorial or Labor day, they do a Night Blast on Saturday evening. Very cool.). I got to see the space under the arm open up for the first time, and the last time I saw it, the blast had just happened so you could sort of see where the nose would be. The fact that the face is finished just amazes me - remember, they're carving up a MOUNTAIN. Anyway, it was on the school vacation board, so I just had to share.


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