Friday, March 5, 2010


So, as you may have noticed, I'm a knitting enabler. (And, okay, for cross-stitch, too... the term "pusher" may have been used in reference to me and Q-Snaps on occasion.) And I've finally embraced that.

My brother (not an actual blood relation, but it counts, trust me - and I'm only making this disclaimer so my cousin (an actual relation) doesn't freak out about Previously Unknown Relatives when she reads this) announced that he needed a hobby, preferably something that involved fun things like "manual dexterity" and "thinking" so it would be a break from his computer-laden world. Juggling was suggested (and promptly discarded)... and I immediately thought of knitting.

I could hear him rolling his eyes on the other end of the line. He did, however, after a few minutes, sigh heavily and say "Sure, if you want to get together a starter kit or something..." and another sigh. So, hitting the stash, I found some nice, normal sized knitting needles, yarn (in a manly black) to go with, some shiny acrylic needles just because, and some bigger yarn I had lying around. (Yeah, I have bulky weight orange yarn lying around. Anyone suprised? Really?) I knitted up a little swatch to show how things should go, and tagged it. I tried, unsuccessfully, to hunt down a copy of Michael Del Vecchio's "Knitting with Balls", which I SWEAR I've seen on a shelf recently, but after two craft stores, half a dozen bookstores and even calling my local yarn shops (I didn't quite dare just drop by, yarn would've happened), I don't have a copy. Instead, there are sticky notes and instructions for finding every local yarn store within twenty-five miles of his house (ONE IS ON HIS STREET!!!!), Ravelry,, and Knitty.

Yeah, probably a bit overboard - but since it's all stuff I had on hand (mostly), and he didn't say "NO, NO, NO, NOT KNITTING! NOT THAT!!!!" I'll be popping it in the mail tomorrow. With a list of yarn stores in his area. And yarn groups.

(Cute single guys who knit stumbling with questions into knitting stores/groups? Yeah, eventually he'll figure out why I'm REALLY trying to get him started on this hobby. Hopefully, there are nice single girls looking for nice single guys at some of the groups/stores...!)

Oh, and just because, a photo of the entire Trainspotted Scarf.


  1. Oh, I'm somewhat used to figuring that out - I only had to freak out about your sister like 5 times to finally get it. Though for a moment I did consider it was Ben.

    Now that would be an amusing post.

  2. I say we start a support group: FEA (Fiber Enablers Anonymous)...except that we'd all just enable each other, and then where would that get us?


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