Friday, July 1, 2011

History of Magic, 50%

So, last night, shortly before midnight, I got to the 50% point on my History of Magic O.W.L. (If you're wondering why there wasn't a post yesterday, it had a lot to do with crocheting every spare second I could.) I think I crocheted double the number of rows I needed to yesterday, since I had to keep frogging multiple rows because of my inability to count correctly when exhausted - which I am, thanks to this thing! You better believe I'm going to finish it ASAP so the end of July doesn't wind up the same way. Anyway, here it is just a wee bit over 50% finished:

Here's the "wee bit" - about eight stitches done into the second half:

I am *not* carrying this thing around today; instead, I'm working on my July CoMC project ("make a Christmas gift"); I'm doing little round cotton facecloths for the girls in my family. Or at least my MiL & my aunt. Probably my cousin. Possibly my SiL and my nieces, but then I'll have to come up with something cool for my BiLs and nephew... anyway, I'm making a little Bacon Facecloth today.

Unrelated, started using a new icon on Rav. (Yes, it's Polaris, and no, she's not a Slytherin. But she's green.)

My big plan for the weekend? SLEEP!!!

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