Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Off to the House Cup....

Okay, so, HPKCHC. Early May the First (but not as early as I'd hoped - the school runs on USA-Pacific time), I looked at all the classes, and realized I had an idea for each pretty much off the bat. (The exception was History of Magic, but a short conversation with my spouse and that took care of that.) I rummaged through my stash, and pulled together most of the materials necessary for all six classes:

Ancient Runes
Defense Against the Dark Arts

History of Magic


Herbology (maybe DADA, too)

I did have to buy the big skein of yellow for Charms, but I knit it up within six hours of buying it, so it totally doesn't count as ever actually having been "stash" in the first place.

By the end of the weekend, I had mostly completed Enchanted Gauntlets of Sword and Shield for Ancient Runes - pattern I'm making up as I go (I should be able to finish the main part & block them tonight):

... A mostly completed Giant Happy Flying Bunny for Charms- assembly, stuffing and wings are left; the Bunny is my usual Bunny Pattern, the wings I'll be... um... winging:

... and the first bits of a Rock Rattlesnake Tea Cozy for Potions - totally original pattern, and some Actual Planning required:

I also knocked out a set of icons-by-house (color coded, match yarn to main house color):

... and here's my new icon on Ravelry:

I think I'm having WAAAAAAAY too much fun with this!

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