Monday, May 24, 2010

It's a HAT TRICK!!

I scored three goals for Quidditch on Saturday (well, I finished the hats mostly *before* last week's horrific allergic reaction; I was able to post late Saturday, when I was actually able to stay awake for a few hours. Posting date is what really counts). Most of my energy at the end of the week was spent on Pom Pom creation. I'd never done Actual Pom Poms before, and for the most part, they turned out all right, except for this one, which I somehow managed to not tie off properly (which became evident Later):

Here are the three finished critters, in order of appearance:

And here are all three:

And finally, here they are on their new owners, who really like them!

A Trio of Men Who Ain't Afraid of Anything


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