Friday, October 17, 2008

Cream Cheese for Dummies.

Okay, slight break from fashion... to cheese.

Seriously, Cream Cheese for Dummies. Have you ever read all the instructions on your basic box of Philly Cream Cheese? Every single one is there because someone had a problem opening a box of cream cheese.

First, make sure you're holding the box correctly. Musn't go in the wrong side of the box. ONLY the front, for best results.

Then, lift flap. None of this stab-it-with-a-fork stuff. Lift.
And for gosh sakes, don't TEAR it! You'll need it later!

Now, if you've gotten the box thing down, don't just tear into the foil inside willy-nilly.
Open from the end, carefully, so you can seal it up again if you need to.

Opening a box isn't all that tough. And less print on the box (and no print on the foil) is how it used to be - but people Had Problems, so the lawyers and marketers had to make things even easier for everyone. I can so see Jay Leno doing a routine off this.
"Yeah, they think we're getting pretty stupid, see? We don't even know how to open a box of cream cheese.
              [Mimes struggling with box.]
(Whines:) Man, why don't they just
tell me how to open this box? I can't figure it out!!
              [Mimes struggling with box. Flings imaginary box over shoulder.]
That's it, I'm too dumb to eat cream cheese!!"

Anyway, I've got some crochet to show you. Not mine; D at my office crocheted this amazing Baloon Afghan for one of the girls here that's about to have a baby boy. It's just, well, amazing!

Yes, the last crochet thing I showed you was also by D. She's fast!!


  1. How sad that people have to be told how to get into a box of cream cheese and that coffee is hot! Love the baby quilt, your co-worker is fast.

  2. Ok, maybe it is just me, but there is a serious manly issue with the bear in the photo. Am I the only one with my mind going there?

    On a brighter note, I now know the proper way to open cream cheese...LOL You know they say that if there is a sign saying not to do it, somebody has and sued...


  3. Love the cream cheese packaging observations. So funny... yet a little sad in an I-can't-believe-it's-come-to-this way.


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