Friday, January 4, 2013

Descent into (Hexipuff) Madness

The second part of my Hermionie Badge for January was my first class. The prompt for Divination was really cool - the professors do a great job of putting down a cool little scene for each class - but one of the options was "cat", so I stopped there.

This is my very first Hexipuff, which is a Siamese Cat (sorta, but you get the idea).

Hexipuffs are a THING.

Basically, you knit up a little two-sided hexagon and fill it with stuffing. Jess, has this great process photo on her blog Make & Do Girl, which really explains it well:

This is Jess's photo from this post, which gives you a good window into that which is Hexipuff Mania.

(While going through her blog, I also found this photo, which makes me even more determined to get to the Lion Brand store in NYC at some point. And to keep reading Jess's blog.)

I also, whilst looking at all the amazing Hexipuff/Beekeeper things out there, found a tiny Slytherin snake chart (and a Hufflepuff badger) here on BirdHeartsBear's blog. And oooo! There's a Gryffindor lion, a Ravenclaw eagle and a Snitch chart here!! Hooray!!


  1. Yay! I'm glad you like the Harry Potter charts! :D
    If you use them, I'd love to see pictures!

  2. I just bought the hexipuff pattern. Maybe in about 10 years, I'll have enough to make a nice big blanket.


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