Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Finished Project: STOP SOCK Project Bag

So, here's what I did with the chart from yesterday... and then another chart. I think this little project will actually get written up (by the end of the month?) and put up on Rav. It's a small-to-medium project bag, made from wool and using standard color stranding, and *does* need to be lined if you're actually going to have needles in it. (It's also my turn-in project for Herbology this month, but it's still pretty nifty.)



I started from the bottom center, and made the bottom flat, since I'm fond of bags that will actually stay where you put them/stand up on their own.


The drawstring space is made by switching needles for back & forth, and doing a turned hem. It worked out REALLY nicely - to the point that I scavenged the drawstring from the dice bag I'd sewn a few Decembers ago so I'd have a good solid cord. That just happens to be a sparkly red.

Anyway, it turned out great, the pattern's not that hard (begginer-intermediate), and someone else might want one, so I'll write it once I have a block of time (and "writing" involves "test knitting again" - hence the "end of the month/next month").

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