Corny, but I've been waiting to use the Four Stars icon for a while now!!
Here they are without feet; with feet is in my turn-in post, below.
And... the turn-in post:
Hello, Professors! This is CraftyGryphon, Third Year Slytherin, turning in her assignment. I have chosen Option Two, "create a strengthening potion".PS, did I mention they fit super-well and are really nice and toasty? Oh, I did...? Eh, it totally bears repeating!!
There are all sorts of strength. Physical is what we tend to associate with "strength", but there are mental and emotional varieties as well. To me, the most difficult type of strength to muster is strength-of-heart, more commonly referred to as "courage". Sometimes, when faced with a difficult and frightening task, I get Cold Feet. To that end, I have crafted some courage-encouraging footwear - to prevent Cold Feet, as it were.
I didn't really expect to finish them, as I've been a bit overwhelmed in March. Last night, I had one strip-of-knitting and a ball of fluffy yarn, and I managed to turn it into two strips-of-knitting, then seam them into socks. Which are warm, and fluffy, and definitely help with cold feet - and, hopefully, Cold Feet.
Having worn them all last night, I already feel a bit braver!
Thanks for the assignment, Professors. I really think I needed it!