Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Haapsalu Shawl!!

I just have to share the pretty! When I took the Overture to Estonian Lace workshop with Nancy Bush, she showed us what's possibly the Prettiest Lace Pattern Book Ever, Haapsalu Sall. It's Estonian Lace, all the traditional patterns, photos, and history. Glorious, glorious photos. I managed to track down a copy (hobipunkt is now offering the English version, and lots of yarn to go with it):

However, lovely as it is - and I can still read all the charts - it's in Estonian, a language I don't speak. Or read, although I know at least one useful word. ("Sall" - Shawl.)

So, when Fibre Space announced that copies of the English-translated version were in, I hopped right on over and got one:

And yes, it's pretty much the same inside.

... but all the words are in English, so I can actually read them, instead of looking at the pretty pictures. (Keeping the in-Estonian copy too, though. One can never have too many photos of pretty Estonian lace!)


  1. Estonian lace is gorgeous! I love Estonian knitting, but have only done the colorwork and not the lacework so far.

  2. These are beautiful in both languages


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