Monday, December 21, 2009

Monday, almost the end of the year...

Okay, for now, it's been over six months since I started Masters Level I, and I'm not doing anything, and reporting seems to be discoraging, rather than encouraging, me for now. So, the Master's Monday that has been on hiatus (in reality since July) is officially suspended for the time being. I'm gonna finish, just maybe with some self-pressure off, I actually WILL.

So, on to the feeling of accomplishment stuff (and hint-hint, some photos to be shared later this week, if you read carefully): I reset my "Projects Finished in...." list for 2010, just so I could see. In 2009, I started 35 projects, of which I finished 31 (not too shabby), and finished a total of 42 (those previous 31 plus nine from previous years, the oldest of which was Spirit of Christmas, started in 1994). That's a montly average of 3.5 projects finished, which isn't too shabby, since I didn't finish anything in February or July. (Which, for actual months I finished things, gives me an average of 4.2, which is cheating, but still nice to note.)

So, here's the tally of what I've got "left over" at the start of the year:
Cross-Stitch: 25
Cross-Stitch Sets: 3
Latch Hook: 1
Crochet: 0
Knitting: 8
Quilting: 7
Canvaswork: 5
Sewing: 0
That's a grand total of 49 projects at the start of the year. So, for the first time in several years, I get a NEW UFO RESOLUTION!! This year, the goal is to get - and hopefully stay - UNDER 40 UFOs!!!
(And I'm trying to shut up the part of my brain that keeps yammering that I'm actually just about done with most of the quilting projects, if I could just get over my Fear of Sewing Machine and attach quilt tops to batting and backing and throw on some edging already.)


  1. CONGRATS!!! I saw the tweet and told my mom - I'm completely in awe of you, very impressive!

  2. Boy are you "The Great One". I have alot of admiration for your talents...

    Have a wonderful hoilday season.
    Peace & blessings,

    How's your SNOW?????


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