Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Okay, so, no entry yesterday. Work was a wee bit busy - something about five hours of OT. Got home by eleven pm, thankfully... and here I am, back before 9am. Oh well, it pays, even though it cuts into my knitting time.

My reward for being a Good Little Worker Bee yesterday was to finally buy my very own copy of Lady Linoleum's Bacon Wrap, aka Big Strip O' Bacon.

(This is hers, by the way, not mine...)

It's ninteen pages of charted goodness, and would work as knitting, crochet, cross-stitch - pretty much anything with a grid. (The temptation to make a Bacon Window is strong.) I've got to dig out my Bacon Yarn that I got when I first found this pattern last year... it may be time for Bacon!


  1. I am taking comfort knowing this is vegetarian.

  2. what a hoot! it really looks like a piece of bacon!


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