Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Almost a Snow Day

A steady snow is coating the area. In DC, this means the city, over the day, will slowly come to a shuddering halt as 1 to 2 inches of snow hit the streets. (Anyone north or west of here is allowed to laugh, especially anyone in Canada, Montana, or upstate New York.) I'm definitely glad I have my new scarf all knitted. Its warmth around my neck (wrapped double, even!) was all that kept the chill off this morning - and it was chilly. It's been dry-cold most of the winter, and dry-cold doesn't seep into the bones the way wet-cold does. And we have both wet and cold, in abundance.

Here's the view over the canal on the way in today:

And there was a face in the ice-flow from one of the weep-holes in the wall of our building:

It's definitely a hot-chocolate sort of day, and if I had my druthers, I'd be sitting at a small table next to my back window, looking at a lovely winter scene out my window. (This would involve suddenly brush-clearing and repairing the patio and surrounding fence, washing the back window, vacuuming out the back-room heater, moving furniture around and other things that aren't going to happen, but it's a nice daydream.)

Definitely a hot-choclate day. Luckily, the firm where I work understands the importance of hot chocolate, and keeps some for general consumption, just in case. I may have to go get another cup.

It's going to be very hard to come back to work after lunch. I plan to barricade myself in the Big Comfy Chair in the library and work on the project I have with me today... and I'm not going to want to de-chair and stop stitching!


  1. The snowy photos on the canal are very pretty. How cool is the ice face?

  2. I love how a blanket of snow makes my yard look less crappy. Enjoy your snow while you have it!


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