Friday, June 6, 2008

... the yarn snuck up on me and attacked. Really.

So, that new sock yarn I told you I got the other day? It's Katia "Mississippi 3".

And it kindasorta got joined by three new balls. (Let's hear it for all the socks I can make for under $20!!)

Katia Mississippi 3 sock yarn, in
Blue (#799, lot 09304), Orange (#785, lot 09307) and Green (#784, lot 04805).

I think the blue will be the center-motif from LabCat's scarf (which I need to find and get going on again), the green will be feather-and-fan, and I'm going to see if I can come up with something that looks like flames for the orange. Debating fancy cables up the sides, lacy fold-down cuffs, and other design elements that I probably won't decide on until I'm actually knitting.

Today's challenge: Finishing my Sockitechture socks before starting any of these!

1 comment:

  1. Actually I got it from New Hampshire..... Try the Yarn and Fiber company

    I was rather amazed at the price, and the free shipping (even to Canada) helped too.


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