Yeah, two posts in one month, woohoo! (Life is... interesting right now.)
So, here's some of what I've been doing the past month.
Took an AMAZING class with the Woolly Thoughts folks. Yes, it was all math. But it was math that made sense to me. "I'm a geometrist," said... I think it was Pat, not Steve. Anyway, they do math visually, which TOTALLY works for me. We were given some tricks and such, and then everyone in class was given simple instructions to follow, and everyone wound up with a different shape.

PEby took a photo of it all, as you can see. It was a REALLY cool class.
As you might expect, shiny new techniques spawn new projects. The first of these was some shadowbox mitts I sketched up:

Need 24 tiny 1.5" x 1.5" squares for 2 mitts
Starting the third side, finallyMay have them done by the end of the month, may not. It's NOT a carry-around project, despite being small, because those little tiny shapes will try to escape and hide under anything nearby with little to no provocation.
And since when have I only started one project when I could start more? Inspired by one of the amazing baby blankets already finished by another class attendee (she sketched it out during class, and it was done two weeks later - or possibly less, the end of October is blurry for me), I started a something of my own. I think it's going to be a sweater:

I'm not entirely sure which end is up yet, either, but I think the stripey-square with the two flat-ish blue pieces is the top-center of the back of whatever it will be.
And yes, I started a Square to Infinity kimono jacket sweater thing out of some old Lion Brand Homespun that I'd been meaning to do SOMETHING with, but hadn't quite figured out what, but I don't have a photo of that.Cheers!